Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus

Facing Segregation in the 21 Century Through Campus Programs

Dublin Core


Facing Segregation in the 21 Century Through Campus Programs


A newspaper article which discusses minority communities and the programs which support them at Ursinus College.


“Facing Segregation in the 21st Century Through Campus Programs” is a newspaper article written by Tom Nucatola published March 24, 2011 The Grizzly. In the article Nucatola expresses that SPINT Housing designed for specific racial and sexual groups and the W.R. Crigler Institute as inherently racist and self-segregating. This includes the American History and Africana Studies house, Cloake, created in 2010 which seeks to house students interested in American/ Africana studies. Although Nucatola recognizes that the house is open to all students, he fears these communities will seek protection in these spaces. He goes on to say, that the creation of said communities will intensify racial and sexual tensions and delay tolerance and understanding of such groups on campus. Instead, Nucatola criticizes the programs that these communities host which he sees as no substitute for real interactions with people different from you. This disapproval of SPINT Housing, especially Cloake, uncovers some of the negative feelings towards those interested in AAAS and reveals the stigma that only racial minorities are interested in such topics.


Tom Nucatola


The Grizzly newspaper, Ursinus College


Ursinus College Digital Commons, Ursinusiana


March 24, 2011


File Format: tif.




A newspaper article which deems special interesting housing (SPINT) and other programs aiding minority students to be inherently racist and self-segregating.

Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Digital scan of the original newspaper article.


Facing segregation...March 24, 2011 The grizzly.jpg
SPINTfest '20 Feb. 18_ 2010 The grizzly.jpg
SPINTfest '10 Feb. 18_ 2010 the Grizzly II.jpg


Tom Nucatola, “Facing Segregation in the 21 Century Through Campus Programs,” Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus, accessed March 12, 2025,
