Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus

Browse Items (155 total)

French installed as chair.jpg
Dr. John French, associate music professor at Ursinus College, inaugurated into the William F. Heefner chair position

heefner organ installation article.jpg
An account of the new Ursinus organ, named the Heefner Organ after its dedication ceremony. It details specifications of the organ and talks about the process of installing the organ into Bomberger auditorium in the summer of 1986.

The cover of the program for the War Years Reunion in 1991

Two Hundred Students Say Dawn Adieus - 2-22-1943(reduced+OCR).pdf
A newspaper article from the Ursinus Weekly which recounts the departure of 31 Army Reservists who attended Ursinus.

Monday, January 12, 1942(reduced+OCR).pdf
Two short student pieces discussing civilian defense and the importance of first aid training.

College Adopts 3-Semester Year(reduced+OCR).pdf
An article on the adoption of a three semester school year to allow for faster graduation of students.

The official rules for what to do during Blackout drills.

An article reporting on how the new blackout system has been installed and will be tested the next night.

Ursinus to be Site for V-12 - 3-1-1943(reduced+OCR).pdf
The announcement in the Ursinus Weekly that the Navy department had selected Ursinus College as a site for the new V-12 program.

Ursinus to be Inspected - 3-8-1943(reduced+OCR).pdf
The article is reporting on how Ursinus will be inspected for the possibility of engaging in a government contract to bring the V-12 program to campus.
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