Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus

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thumbnail__Admission of Negro Girls Provides Difficult Situation_ .png
On May 23, 1968, Linda Richtmyre writes in The Ursinus Weekly
illustrating the necessity to actively acknowledge and the act of seeking after "the prospect of inclusion of any Negro girls in the next freshman class." There were difficulties seeking…

Board meets on Diversity Reports March 1_ 2012 The grizzly.tif
This article from the March 1st, 2012 edition of the Ursinus College Grizzly newspaper announces the beginning of a retreat for the college’s Board of Trustees. At this meeting the board plans to discuss a strategic diversity plan based on three…

Bridging the Gap.pdf
This Ursinus Grizzly newspaper article from September 23, 1988 coincides with the release of the first official Ursinus College Bridge Program report describing and assessing the Bridge Program. The article goes on to explain what the program is and…

A one-page typed document encouraging the school to adapt new strategies for minorities to be able to obtain a higher education. The document begins with exhibiting the effects of having a diverse strategic approach influenced by a conference at…

UC Seeks Diversity handout.pdf
This "Ursinus Seeks Diversity" brochure, distributed in 1989, contains a collection of lists and information which are specifically marketed towards students from diverse backgrounds (as stated on the second page: "For Students From Diverse…

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Staff writer, Nipun Suri, wrote “Black History Celebrated Across Ursinus Campus” on February 22, 2000, from the Ursinus student newspaper, The Grizzly. Paulette Patton was key in planning and creating cultural and artistic events designed to educate…

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A "Roving Reporter" Asks Students their opinions on the diversity of the campus. In it, many of the students specify one of two different opinions, that the campus lacks diversity, or it does not, and then explain why they think so in varying levels…

“Black and Beautiful” is a newspaper article contained in volume 67 of The Ursinus Weekly. Published on January 11th, 1968, this article serves as a form of student activism geared towards dismantling the white supremacy in the 60s and 70s. Written…

The document gives a summary of what the Bridge Program is about and the types of students that would benefit the most from it. It explains when the students will arrive, where they will reside for the four weeks, and how all expenses will be…

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From the 2004 Ruby yearbook, Cafe Nia was an event held to celebrate and remember ancestors and black history. Cafe Nia is an event where primarily students of color at Ursinus College come together for a meal and host speakers and performances.…
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