A "U" discussion group discusses Democratic, Republican, and Socialistic governments, while also including in their talks the issues of: the Great Depression, tariffs, and the Prohibition.
Representatives of the Socialist, Republican, and Democratic parties visit Ursinus students during a regular meeting of the Y.W.C. The program was largely held on account of the ongoing presidential election that year.
Ursinus students have an obligation to assist the government with the education they've been afforded as college students, especially during this time of depression.
This article describes how the cost of the Varsity Club Dance was reduced, in comparison to previous years. An emphasis is made over the fact that the price of admission will not exceed $1.25.
This article celebrates Ursinus' largest enrolling Freshman class to date. A list of the incoming Freshman is provided, with their places of origin as well.
A student asks his fellow peers what are they to do once they leave Ursinus College, when unemployment seems all but a certainty in their near future, a daunting prospect for Seniors about to be removed from the comforting environment of college.