FDR and the Democratic Party were assailed by Republican speakers at a political rally in the gymnasium at the height of the presidential election of 1932.
Representatives of the Socialist, Republican, and Democratic parties visit Ursinus students during a regular meeting of the Y.W.C. The program was largely held on account of the ongoing presidential election that year.
The Weekly provided a presidential straw ballot for the students to mark and sign and then submit for counting. The results of this ballot were later revealed.
This article talks about the opinions of Ursinus students on problems that were relevant in 1932, foreign and domestic. These problems included: the progress of communism in Russia, Japan's unprovoked conquest of Manchuria, the execution of the…
An annual meeting of the Debating Association of Pennsylvania, which students from Ursinus College participated in, debated the issues of: war debt cancellation, the nationalizing of electric power and heat companies, Japan's conquest of Manchuria,…