Olevian Literary Society Minutes 2+3
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Olevian Literary Society Minutes 2+3
Olevian Literary Society
Page two and three of the Olevian Literary Society Minutes of their first and second meeting. The meetings occurred Jan. 12 and 15, 1885. (Transcription Included)
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(Page 2:)
The time of meeting was then discuss-
ed and a motion that we meet every
Thursday afternoon in Dr. Bomberger’s
room was unanimously carried.
A motion was made and carried
That the Pres. Appoint a committee to
draw up a constitution and by laws
For said society. In compliance with
this motion, the pres. appointed Sallie
Kulp, May Royer, and Minerva Grater,
A motion was made that each
member suggest a name and motto for
the new organization but for want of
time it was laid on the table until the
next meeting.
The society then adjourned to
meet Thursday, Jan 15, at the appoint-
ed hour.
Attest.{ Pres, Mary Niesh, Rec. Sec’y Lillie P. Eberly
(Page 3:)
Ursinus College, Jan. 15, 1885
The Society met at the specified
time and was called to order by the
Pres. Mary Niesh. The minutes of
previous meeting were read and ap-
The committee on constitution
and by laws reported and asked
to be excused. The constitution and by
laws were then adopted article by
article in accordance with a previous
No one having a name and motto
to suggest, it was decided to postpone
the matter until next meeting.
A motion was made and car-
ried the performers for each meeting
be appointed by the Pres. the week be-
It was then moved that we elect
A treasurer and Cor. Sec’y (Coordinating, Secretary) and Mat-
tie Huber and Emma Bechtel were
unanimously chosen to fill those of-
The appointments for next meet-
The time of meeting was then discuss-
ed and a motion that we meet every
Thursday afternoon in Dr. Bomberger’s
room was unanimously carried.
A motion was made and carried
That the Pres. Appoint a committee to
draw up a constitution and by laws
For said society. In compliance with
this motion, the pres. appointed Sallie
Kulp, May Royer, and Minerva Grater,
A motion was made that each
member suggest a name and motto for
the new organization but for want of
time it was laid on the table until the
next meeting.
The society then adjourned to
meet Thursday, Jan 15, at the appoint-
ed hour.
Attest.{ Pres, Mary Niesh, Rec. Sec’y Lillie P. Eberly
(Page 3:)
Ursinus College, Jan. 15, 1885
The Society met at the specified
time and was called to order by the
Pres. Mary Niesh. The minutes of
previous meeting were read and ap-
The committee on constitution
and by laws reported and asked
to be excused. The constitution and by
laws were then adopted article by
article in accordance with a previous
No one having a name and motto
to suggest, it was decided to postpone
the matter until next meeting.
A motion was made and car-
ried the performers for each meeting
be appointed by the Pres. the week be-
It was then moved that we elect
A treasurer and Cor. Sec’y (Coordinating, Secretary) and Mat-
tie Huber and Emma Bechtel were
unanimously chosen to fill those of-
The appointments for next meet-
“Olevian Literary Society Minutes 2+3,” Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus, accessed March 13, 2025, https://omeka.ursinus.edu/items/show/612.