Olevian Literary Society Minutes 1
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Olevian Literary Society Minutes 1
Olevian Literary Society
Page one of the first ever Olevian Literary Society meeting. The meeting takes place Jan. 12, 1885. (Transcription Included)
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Ursinus College, January 12, 1885
The young ladies of of Ursinus met in
room no. 8 for the purpose of organ-
izing a literary society.
Miss Sallie Kulp was elected Pres.
And miss Lillie Eberly secretary, pro term.
The following officers were then nomin-
ated and elected. Pres. Mary Niesh,
Vice Pres. Sallie Kulp, recording secretary. Lillie
P. Eberly, Editor, Ella Price, Critic, May Royer.
After Elections a motion was made
and carried that the society hold
an open meeting during the term then
in session for the purpose of training
the members to speak in public with
greater ease. It was furthermore moved
and recorded that this project be
kept a secret under penalty of banish-
ment from society. A motion was
made and carried that the society furn-
nish all the performers from among
its own members. Also that a copy of
resolutions to that effect be handed to
the faculty for consideration.
The young ladies of of Ursinus met in
room no. 8 for the purpose of organ-
izing a literary society.
Miss Sallie Kulp was elected Pres.
And miss Lillie Eberly secretary, pro term.
The following officers were then nomin-
ated and elected. Pres. Mary Niesh,
Vice Pres. Sallie Kulp, recording secretary. Lillie
P. Eberly, Editor, Ella Price, Critic, May Royer.
After Elections a motion was made
and carried that the society hold
an open meeting during the term then
in session for the purpose of training
the members to speak in public with
greater ease. It was furthermore moved
and recorded that this project be
kept a secret under penalty of banish-
ment from society. A motion was
made and carried that the society furn-
nish all the performers from among
its own members. Also that a copy of
resolutions to that effect be handed to
the faculty for consideration.
“Olevian Literary Society Minutes 1,” Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus, accessed March 13, 2025, https://omeka.ursinus.edu/items/show/611.