Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus

"It is About Respect." October 24th 1995.

Dublin Core


"It is About Respect." October 24th 1995.


Robin Loiacono


The Grizzly


Ursinus College






opinion article

Text Item Type Metadata


To the Editors:

In the last issue of The Grizzly, Dr. Nagy made many comments without providing any tangible basis, always a poor writing strategy. He also attacked many different
angles of homosexuality. So many, that I am limited to responding to just one.

I would assert that love, commitment, and intimacy are at the base of both homo- and heterosexuality. Surely his notion that heterosexual marriage is the only good choice is based on those three values. Hopefully, any long-term sexual relationship is built on qualities such as maturity, love, and commitment.

The love I share with my boyfriend is in no way, shape or form different from the love shared between homosexuals that I have known. A relationship between two people takes time, work and commitment to develop and grow. Accepting this, it is impossible to condemn homosexuality without simultaneously condemning heterosexuality. Even if he chooses to bring up the matter of intimate homosexual relations, many acts characteristic of such relations are practiced and accepted by heterosexual couples as well. Aside from the fact that what people do in their bedrooms is their own business, the undeniable fact is that there is really almost no difference between homosexual and heterosexual relations.

I would hate to think that I am accepted by default, rather than on the merits of who I am or what I
think. Please, do not "respect" me because I am heterosexual; " respect" me for saying what I feel. Likewise, do not " respect" my friend because
he is gay; "respect" him because he is a witty and intelligent person.

-Robin Loiacono
Class of 1996

Original Format





Robin Loiacono, “"It is About Respect." October 24th 1995.,” Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus, accessed October 22, 2024,