Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus

Browse Items (32 total)

27 no 1 copy 2.jpg
A large ad promoting the mellowness of Camel cigarettes.

25 no 7 big camp copy 2.jpg
Ursinus begins efforts to raise money for the Financial Campaign, reaching out to alumni and students first.

24 no 30 prohibition copy 2.jpg
Different views on Prohibition as well as results of a vote that asked Ursinus what their views on Prohibition were.

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This article includes the total amount collected during the Financial Campaign and who it was from (students, alumni, counties).

24 no 16 n-town copy 2.jpg
Ursinus author uses education and democracy to urge the citizens of Norristown to donate, as Ursinus is "the educational center of our County".

24 no 16 fete copy 2.jpg
This article talks about the Valentine Fete that will be held in Bomberger Hall. Included in this excerpt is what events and food will be at the fete and how it is to be a "unique affair".

24 no 11 copy 2.jpg
Description of the nationwide movement to establish peace around the globe. This article urges Ursinus students to pay attention to the World Court and U.S. relations with it.

24 no 9 big campaign copy 2.jpg
District report of the fundraiser that contains information regarding the location from which alumni are donating the most money to the Financial Campaign of 1925.

1929 2.jpg
Various pictures of students at Ursinus College in the Ruby of 1929.

1929 4.jpg
Poem in the 1929 Ruby describing women at the time being a "frivolous bunch of creatures", relevant to the flapper trend at the time.
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