Fellow Alumnus:
When the Central Committee of Alumni started this fund to create a memorial for our soldier dead, it believed that it had the back of every alumnus. We still believe it. But your backing means nothing, unless it is backed by funds.…
This is to deny all rumors that the Library Fund has come to a stand-still. Somebody has tried to hang crepe on us, saying--"We are so sorry that the alumni of the College have failed to come to Alma Mater's…
The most worth while news this week in the library campaign follows:
Several alumni have doubled their subscription to the fund. Others are contemplating doing so. Can you do this?
A loyal friend of the college remarks:
"The Ursinus alumni are…
We are pleased to present to the readers of the "Weekly" a picture of the new Memorial Library Building as it appeared on the day of the corner stone laying. The view is from a point near the power house looking south. The incline leading to the…
A magnificent new Student Union opened on January 19. The Weekly will actually report on the Union opening next week. The opening took place after the deadline for copy. However, we can print the rules. They follow:
Although the ceremony that opened the union was brief and contained no more pageantry than the simple cutting of a ribbon, it was a landmark in the College's social development. The Union is open now, this is no longer news. However, how the…
I discovered that the Ursinus Student Union was becoming a huge success faster than anyone expected it to when a secretary in the Treasurer's office remarked that for some reason so many checks were being chased by students that morning of Monday,…