Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus

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CrucibleDontForget Nov 5 1991.jpg
Ad for an Ursinus College production of the play "The Crucible," by Arthur Miller.

Law in San Francisco that allowed same sex couples to formalize their relationship.



Is Pretty Good Good Enough Nov 26 1991.JPG
Opinions Editor Steven Grubb argues that Ursinus should more positively consider change, work towards improving the community.

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EditorialMagicJohnson Nov 12 1991.jpg
Opinions Editor Steven Grubb argues that the cause of Magic Johnson's contraction of AIDS doesn't matter; rather, we should learn from him and protect ourselves.

A Christian Response Nov 26 1991.JPG
Shawn Glancy continues his letter from a previous page, arguing that we must presume that God may be working through GALA and that we must be as open to listening to them as we would want them to be of listening to us.

FacultyMembersSpeakOut Nov 19 1991.jpg
Ronald Hess, Margot Kelley, and Robert Dawley speak out again John Ronning's letter.
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