AAAS Minor Requirements
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AAAS Minor Requirements
This course details the requirements to be minor in African American & Africana Studies in the 2019-2020 course catalog. The minor requires 20 credits, 4 of which must be on AAAS-200, an introductory class. The other 16 elective credits can come for numerous different departments, and no more than 2 classes can come from one department. The AAAS program and minor aim to educate students on African American and African diasporic experiences. The current electives reflect the courses offered by the departments in the program.
Ursinus College Registrar
Ursinus College Course Catalog
Ursinus College
Ursinus College holds the rights to this document.
Ursinus College African American and Africana Studies Program Requirements
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Requirements for Minors
A minor concentration in African American and Africana Studies consists of 20 credits including a 4-credit introductory course, AAAS-200. The courses in the minor deal with aspects of the African American and African Diasporic experiences as they have been framed by the peoples concerned and represented by others. In addition to AAS-200, students must take at least four courses from the following electives, with no more than two courses from a single department: ECON-110; ENGL-222; FREN-252; HEP-203; HIST-228, 251, 332, 351, 426W; MCS-340; MCS/GWMS-319; POL-316, 348; RELS-225; SOC-255, 258; AMST-200. ENGL-212, IR-400W, POL-399L, and/or SPAN-440W may also fulfill this elective requirement when the topic is appropriate and with prior approval from the AAAS coordinator.
A minor concentration in African American and Africana Studies consists of 20 credits including a 4-credit introductory course, AAAS-200. The courses in the minor deal with aspects of the African American and African Diasporic experiences as they have been framed by the peoples concerned and represented by others. In addition to AAS-200, students must take at least four courses from the following electives, with no more than two courses from a single department: ECON-110; ENGL-222; FREN-252; HEP-203; HIST-228, 251, 332, 351, 426W; MCS-340; MCS/GWMS-319; POL-316, 348; RELS-225; SOC-255, 258; AMST-200. ENGL-212, IR-400W, POL-399L, and/or SPAN-440W may also fulfill this elective requirement when the topic is appropriate and with prior approval from the AAAS coordinator.
Original Format
Ursinus College Course Catalog
Ursinus College Registrar, “AAAS Minor Requirements,” Omeka - Digital History at Ursinus, accessed February 12, 2025,