"Board meets on Diversity Reports" Grizzly article

Board meets on Diversity Reports March 1_ 2012 The grizzly.tif
The Board meets on Diversity Reports March 1 2012 The Grizzly II.tif

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"Board meets on Diversity Reports" Grizzly article


Recruitment and retention of students of color at Ursinus College


This article from the March 1st, 2012 edition of the Ursinus College Grizzly newspaper announces the beginning of a retreat for the college’s Board of Trustees. At this meeting the board plans to discuss a strategic diversity plan based on three campus diversity reports. These reports come from the Teagle Home Team, the Faculty Committee on Diversity, and the Presidential Committee on Race and Equality. There is a note from then-president Dr. Bobby Fong that the three recommendations “sometimes diverge”, and that the largest of these divergences concerns the implementation of a specific Chief Diversity Officer position (which one report suggests and the other two deem unnecessary). The report which argues for the new position asserts that the most pressing issues affecting campus diversity are those of “visibility and transparency,” and such a person would provide structure and clarity to all of the “diversity work” on campus. The article closes with the information that the Ursinus community can publicly discuss the reports after spring recess, and that Collegeville residents can contribute their ideas online. This article displays part of the back and forth discussions, particularly in 1987-1988, regarding the best ways to recruit and retain students of color.


Senior Staff Writer James Noebels


Ursinusiana Archives of Myrin Library


Ursinus College


March 1, 2012


Ursinus Grizzly staff of 2012


Ursinus College holds the right to this resource


Two pages including the intro/title page of the article as well as the continuation and conclusion of the article on a separate page






Ursinus College campus, 2012