Bears With Booze: A History of the Creation, Enforcement, and Reformation of Alcohol Policies at Ursinus College


Bears With Booze: A History of the Creation, Enforcement, and Reformation of Alcohol Policies at Ursinus College 
is a student-created and organized digital exhibit archiving the history of Ursinus College's tumultuous relationship with alcohol laws, customs, and culture.

From its creation, Ursinus College has maintained a controversial reputation in Montgomery County as an icon of liberal reformation in an demographical ocean of deep political and religious conservatism. Ursinus grew out of a period of intense theological discussion, debate, and change. The progressive and reformative ethics, opinions, and operations of the original benefactors and creators of the Ursinus identity - reconstructionist members of the Mercersburg Seminary - have endured history, and have reflected directly into the aura of determination, nobility, and extraordinary democracy in which Ursinus resides today.

Our website is organized into four separate categories:

  1. The Historical Narrative: A navigatable library of various media, all together illustrating and narrating the events of most tumultious and formative era of Ursinus history.

  2. The Modern Perspective: A navigatable library of various media, all together illustrating the state, style, and method of today's substance administration on the Ursinus campus.

  3. Photo galleries: High-resolution navigatable galleries of historically significant photographs and documents.

  4. Interactive features: Engaging, interactive exhibits for if you want to take a deeper delve into the complexities of Ursinus College's alcohol policy!



Dan Berger, Kasey Chatburn, Sam Mamber, & Alessandra Psomaras